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General Taxonomy

Click on the ‘Taxonomy’ option located in the top-menu to enter this section.

Create a Taxonomy project

As an ECCAIRS Taxonomy administrator, click on the 'Draft  Project' button to create a Taxonomy project which will have the status='Draft'.

  • An informative message is displayed to indicate that the Taxonomy project is being created and it will available when the process is finished.

  • The system shows the Taxonomy Version List, with a new row with the Taxonomy project in ‘Generating Draft’ status.

  • The Menu options , '3 dots' icon of this new row, are not available until the Taxonomy draft creation is finished and the status of the taxonomy is ‘Draft'. Once the creation of the Taxonomy project is finished, the Menu options are available.

  • The new Taxonomy project is based on the general Taxonomy released.

By default, the system shows the following information

  • Name, based on the released General Taxonomy. 
  • Version, which will be empty until the Taxonomy project is released.
  • Status, to indicate the status of the Taxonomy project
  • Description of the Taxonomy project
  • Released Date, which will be empty until the Taxonomy project is released.
  • Menu options (3 dots icon)

To edit the Taxonomy project click on the '3 dots' icon to display the available actions. Then, click on the 'Edit Project' option. The system displays the Taxonomy Manager with 'edit' permissions.

How to search elements

Go to Taxonomy Browser - Search section to find more information about how to search and filter information

How to add/edit/delete Entities

At ECCAIRS level, you can create, edit and delete entities under the General Taxonomy.

Go to Taxonomy Manager > Manage entities section to find more information about how to manage entities

How to add/edit/delete Attributes

At ECCAIRS level, you can create, edit and delete standard attributes under the entities defined in the General Taxonomy. Standard attributes are managed exactly in the same way as custom attributes but they are identified with the property Custom='No'. 

Go to Taxonomy Manager > Manage attributes section to find more information about how to manage attributes

How to add/edit/delete Value Lists

At ECCAIRS level, you can create, edit and delete value lists for the standard attributes. Standard value lists are managed exactly in the same way as custom value lists but they are identified with the property Custom='No'.

Go to Taxonomy Manager > Manage Value Lists section to find more information about how to manage value lists

How to add/edit/delete Value Relations

At ECCAIRS level, you can create, edit and delete  relationships between values of standard attributes. Value relations are managed exactly in the same way as custom ones.

Go to Taxonomy Manager > Manage Value Relations section to find more information about how to manage value relations

Delete a Taxonomy project

You can only delete a Taxonomy project in status 'Draft'. 

To delete a Taxonomy project, click on the '3 dots' icon and select the 'Delete' option. A confirmation message will be displayed.


Release taxonomy

Once you have made the required changes to the Taxonomy project, you can release it to make it available to all the users community.

You can release the Taxonomy project by clicking on the  release 'Release' button displayed at the top right side of the Taxonomy Version List or clicking on the three dot icon and select 'Edit Project'. Once inside the Taxonomy project, click on the  button displayed at the top right side of the screen.

A consistency check will be executed in order to validate if the entities, attributes and value lists required information has been provided. The system will indicated where the missing information is and once provided, the Taxonomy project will be released.
