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Managing a Section

As an ECCAIRS Administrator, you will have access to all available sections of ECCAIRS 2 Platform. If you are a National Administrator, you will have available the sections corresponding to your user community. But for both cases, the process of editing a section is the same. The assigned role will only affect what sections can a user view to edit or delete.

Click on the 'three dots' icon. A dropdown menu will be displayed.


Edit Section

To edit a section, press the  'Edit Section' button. The same window as when creating a new section will be opened but this time it will have preloaded the data of the section you want to edit. A section can be edited only if it is not included in any View. 

After making the desired changes, press save. Take into account that the same restrictions as when creating a new section will apply here.

Changes to an existing section will be automatically shown in the views where the section is included.



The Preview option show how the section been designed will be displayed once it is included in Views.



To duplicate a section, press the copy 'Copy' button. A new section equal to the one you are copying will be created. The name given by default to the new section will be [Original section name] + "- Copy".


Edit Section Properties

You can edit the properties of a given section with this option, like the name, description, detailed and the library where the section is stored. The section properties can be edited only if it is not included in any View. The Type and the Based on Entity fields can only be changed if the section has not been designed yet using the 'Edit Section' option. 



By pressing the delete 'Delete' button, the section will be deleted. You will have a confirmation window but take into account that this action has no rollback. Take into account that sections being used in a view can't be deleted.