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ERCS Wizard

Click on the ERCS button located in the form, under the 'Risk Management' topic.

ERCS button to open the wizard

The ERCS Wizard is opened. It is formed by 4 simple steps:

  1. Outcome / Key Risk Area Level 1: Select the most likely type of accident
    • Click on any of the key risk area listed and click on Next ERCS wizard 1st step
  2. Severity: Establish the Degree / Seriousness depending on the aircraft involved in the occurrence
    • Select how many possible fatalities would have been involved in an accident in case there was one ERCS wizard 2nd step
  3. Barrier Calculation: Calculates or manually sets the barriers score for the Otucome / Key Risk Area Level 1 excursion
    • Manually select the approprite value for each one of the barriers listed. The Calculated Barrier Weight Sum is calculated according to your selections ERCS wizard 3rd step
  4. Final Matrix
    • The calculated risk grade is highlighted in the matrix with a tick icon and blue border. You can change this value by clicking in another cellERCS wizard 4th step

You can click on 'Skip to the final matrix' at any step, by doing so, you will be re-directed to the final step for you to manually select the risk grade. You will be asked to give an explanation of your choice.

Once completed, click on the OK button, and all your selections will be transfered to the incident you are editing.

You can go back to any previous question by clicking on the Previous button or by clicking on the step number