Integrate into Occurrence
On the 'Validated Reports' list view, the user clicks on 'Integrate into Occurrence' option. A dialog window to confirm the operation shall be displayed.
If the Officer confirms the action, the system navigates to a page that shows all the available Occurrences.
- By default, the system will retrieve the list with all the occurrences that apply to the user, depending on their role and their predefined query.
- The user can optionally activate the Similar Occurrences button, and the system will load only the Occurrences that made the cut. This is based on an attribute-weight base algorithm configured at system level.
The User will be able to:
- View the Occurrence;
- Discard it;
- Restore it, if already discarded; and
- Choose it to be integrated.
Create New Occurrence
There is an option to create a brand new Occurrence, by clicking on the 'New Occurrence' button.
- A dialog window shall appear to confirm the action.
- If the Officer confirms the action, the system will create a copy of the latest VR record version into the 'Occurrences' and changes the VR status to 'Processed'.
Also, if after looking for similar occurrences, the system cannot find any, there is a system message, with the option to create a new one.
Integrate into existing Occurrence
After choosing the Occurrence you want to integrate your VR into:
- you have to click on the ' Integrate' button.
- The system will:
- create a new version of the Occurrence, in Draft status and marked as as 'integration pending'; and
- change the VR status to 'Processed'.
- The system will then show a message, with options to navigate:
- To the VR list; or
- To the Occurrence
Similarity check algorithm
The algorithm uses following attributes:
Attribute |
Description |
5 |
Location indicator |
54 |
Call sign |
120 |
Flight number |
167 |
Last departure point |
215 |
Operator |
228 |
Planned destination |
244 |
Aircraft registration |
254 |
Aircraft serial number |
433 |
Local date |
438 |
Report identification |
447 |
Reporting entity |
477 |
UTC date |
881 |
Engine serial number |
21.LEVEL2 |
Aircraft master model |
The above-mentioned attributes of a VR will be checked for equality against the same attributes of all occurrences in the authority’s database.
Some considerations:
- The Algorithm is divided in 4 blocks and each block is given a certain weight
- Block 1 and block 4 are mutually exclusive therefore the total is maximum 100%
- As the similarity algorithm scans the full database, for performance reasons, only the OCs with Attributes 433 (local date) and/or 477 (UTC date) filled out are checked.
All 4 blocks are executed giving the found occurrence a similarity score. The occurrences that have a score > 50% will be shown in a sorted list. The similarity percentage will be shown in the result list, with the highest percentage on top.
- Block 1 (50%): The Aircraft flight details. If one the following conditions are met, then the weight will be 50%.
- (UTC date or Local date) and Aircraft registration
- (UTC date or Local date) and Aircraft serial number
- (UTC date or Local date) and Engine serial number
- (UTC date or Local date) and Call sign
- (UTC date or Local date) and Flight number
- (UTC date or Local date) and Report identification
- (UTC date or Local date) and Aircraft registration
- Block 2 (25%): The geographical details. If one the following conditions are met, then the weight will be 25%.
- (UTC date or Local date) and Last departure point and Planned destination
- (UTC date or Local date) and Location indicator
- (UTC date or Local date) and Operator
- (Report identification or Reporting entity)
- (UTC date or Local date) and Last departure point and Planned destination
- Block 3 (25%): The Aircraft physical details If one the following conditions are met, then the weight will be 25%.
- Aircraft master model and Aircraft registration
- Aircraft master model and Aircraft serial number
- Aircraft master mode and Call sign
- Aircraft master mode and Flight number
- Aircraft registration and Call sign
- Aircraft registration and Flight number
- Block 4 (25%): The same as block 1, except a variance for the UTC/Local dates of +/- 1 days is taken into consideration. If one the following conditions are met, then the weight will be 25%.
- (UTC date +/- 1 day or Local date +/- 1 day) and Aircraft registration
- (UTC date +/- 1 day or Local date +/- 1 day) and Aircraft serial number
- (UTC date +/- 1 day or Local date +/- 1 day) and Engine serial number
- (UTC date +/- 1 day or Local date +/- 1 day) and Call sign
- (UTC date +/- 1 day or Local date +/- 1 day) and Flight number
- (UTC date +/- 1 day or Local date +/- 1 day) and Report identification
Solve merging conflicts
You will go to this screen when trying to integrate Original reports into Validated reports or Validated reports with Occurrences that have attributes with different values when comparing the reports.
In the case of this example, you can see a validated report on the left and an occurrence on the right. In yellow, you will see attributes pesent in both reports but with different values that need regularisation.
By selecting two conflicting attributes, new options appear below the reports.
The'Discard' button takes into account the value this attribute has in the Occurrence when merging.
By prerssing the 'Merge' button the value this attribute has in the Validated report is copied onto the Occurrence.
Press the 'Edit' button If you want to write or select a different value for this attribute.
The activation of the three buttons marked below depend on the selected attribute:
- Add will be active when selecting an attribute in the report of the left not present in the report on the right
- Undo will be active when selecting a previously added attribute to the report on the right
- Reviewed will be active when selecting a conflicting attribute
You will have available some filtering options to better navigate the tree of attributes. The filters are applied to both reports on the left and on the right at once.
After making the desired changes, you will have the typical Save options. The Save options apply to the Validated report or Occurrence being edited (the report on the right).