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Conversion Factors


When you enter to this section you can see the list of all the available Conversion Factors.

conversion factor


To create a new Conversion factor, press the 'New Conversion factor' button. A new page will be displayed

First, you will have to select the unit you want to convert from and the unit you want to convert to. Both fields will be mandatory.

Then you will have to write the conversion factor and the constant value that are going to be used during the conversion. These two fields will also be mandatory. 

  • Factor: to be used as a multiplier in the conversion formula (mandatory). Shall allow to introduce float values.
  • Constant Value (numeric): constant value to be used in the conversion formula (mandatory). Shall allow to introduce float values.

You can test the values written in the Factor and Constant value to see if the conversion is done correctly. The test fields are optional because they are only informative. They help you see if the conversion is working properly.


Once the fields are filled, press the  'Save' button and the new conversion factor will become available.

Edit or delete an existing conversion factor

To edit or delete an existing Conversion Factor, Hover over the desired item and select the 'pencil' icon to edit or the  'trash' icon to delete.
